Pecatonica Middle School Student battling cancer receives holiday visit from classmates.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction. Also, a reminder that school will dismiss today at 1:35 pm, for the Elementary, and 1:45 pm, for the Middle and High Schools.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

The annual Pecatonica High School Food Drive was record breaking! This year, students, staff, and community members donated over 5300 items to the Pecatonica Food Pantry. This year, we received a special donation of over 1200 items from Hormel Foods in Beloit, arranged by Pecatonica alumnus Adam Bardell ‘14. Thank you to all for your generosity!
For full article - click here https://www.pecschools.com/article/370641?org=district

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Middle School Staff wore green yesterday in support of Aiden Doner

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Mr. King showing students how it's done in bags.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

On June 19, Westlake Village resident Kaden Degner was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. He has had numerous surgeries and thankfully, all recent tests came back negative indicating it was all removed!! Kaden is an upcoming sophomore at Pecatonica High School and plays football for the DuPec Rivermen. High School students and teachers wore yellow yesterday to support Kaden for his last chemo.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

December 11, 2020
Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff,
When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building(s). This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica High School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department (WCHD), Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing, wear a face covering when in public, frequently wash hands and hard surfaces, and stay home if they are ill or experiencing any COVID symptoms. The health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.
Bill Faller

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Pictures of Elementary School students supporting Kaden Degner to cheer him on for his last chemo tomorrow.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

12-09-2020: When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica High School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Centers for Disease Control guidelines. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing, wear a face covering when in public, frequently wash hands and hard surfaces, and stay home if they are ill or experiencing any COVID symptoms. The health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.