The Pecatonica School District is looking for a second shift custodian. Duties would include cleaning of classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and clean-up following after school activities. This full time position offers insurance and retirement packages as well as earned vacation days. The custodians work year round and have the holidays off.
If interested please email chuckbaker@pecschools.com or call 815-239-2611 ext. 1023.
All applicants for employment with Pecatonica CUSD 321 are required, as a condition of employment, to complete an application for employment, authorize fingerprint-based criminal history records check and to meet all mandated requirements as set forth by the State of Illinois and the Boone/Winnebago County Regional Office of Education.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction. Today is an early dismissal day. 1:35 for the Elementary School and 1:45 for the Middle and High Schools. Also, next week is Spring Break. Students will return on Tuesday April 6.

For those of you watching the volleyball game at from home, the game has a second feed. Go to DurandCUSD322.

Congratulations to Senior McKenna Handy for being chosen by the IHSA to the Honorable Mention All State Academic Team. There were less than 100 student athletes chosen from well over 300 nominations. McKenna participates in Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, and Scholastic Bowl. She is also the Key Club and Senior Class President. McKenna holds a GPA of 4.503 and earned an SAT score of 1560 out of 1600. Congratulations McKenna!

General Admission tickets are now on sale for the varsity football game against Dakota on April 3. Tickets are $4. Due to spring break next week tickets are only on sale until 1:00 tomorrow (Friday, March 26).

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

The JV footall game today at Durand will now be against Stockton.
Each JV player will be allowed four spectators and you will have to sign in.
Students will only be allowed in to the game if they sign in as one of the four spectators for a JV player.
Ticket sales will begin today for the Varsity Game on Friday at Stockton. Each player and coach will be allowed to purchase two tickets. THERE WILL BE NO GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS FOR AWAY GAMES. TWO SPECTATORS FOR VARSITY PLAYERS AND COACHES ONLY.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Best of luck to all the Rivermen today against Aquin! Special shoutout to all our seniors. Gates open at 10:00. Senior introductions at 10:20. Kick off at 11:00. No tickets sold at the gate.

Congratulations to Antonio Suarez for signing his letter of intent to attend Kishwaukee Community College. He will be running cross country in the fall. Great Job Antonio and Best of Luck!

Just a reminder that General Admission tickets for the Rivermen Varsity football game on Saturday are on sale now until 3:00 pm and tomorrow 8:00-10:00 am. The high school office will be closed tomorrow at 10:00 am. A limited amount of tickets are available.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
Also, Friday March 19 will be an E-Learning Day for Pecatonica Students. There will be no in-person instruction. All school buildings will be closed. Students will be working on their coursework from home. Your students' teachers will give learning instructions through Google Classroom or other methods they have established with the students. ATTENDANCE is a very important part of this day. Parents will need to log in to www.teacherease.com and CLICK on the attendance pop up for EACH STUDENT YOU HAVE. You will not need to COVID self-certify on Friday.

Be sure to join us virtually on Saturday, March 20, at 6:30 for our 4th annual Mr. PHS pageant in support of the Pecatonica High School Key Club and ShelterBox USA.
Even though the pageant will look a little different this year, the show must go on, and these 12 contestants have been working hard to make it happen.
To make a donation, jars will be set up at Every Little Thing, 3rd Street Station, and Pec Hardware/The Workshoppe until Friday; contestants & their escorts will be raising money until Saturday; or the livestream will have a link available to make an online donation to ShelterBox USA during our usual “dash for cash” time.
The broadcast will go live five minutes before showtime at https://www.facebook.com/mrpecatonicahighschool/live . Be sure to “like” @mrpecatonicahighschool on Facebook for more information.

Tickets for the football game against Freeport Aquin on Saturday are now being sold to all freshmen through senior students excluding participants that already purchased them. Starting tomorrow (Thursday, March 18) we will open up general admission sales to the public. Anyone can purchase up to four (4) tickets. The high school office will be open Thursday from 8:00 am-3:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 -10:00 am. A limited amount of tickets will be available.
The game can also viewed on the Durand Schools Facebook page or on nfhsnetwork.com.

Pecatonica CUSD 321 has a job opening for PC/Network Technician. More information available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1magKX0zLRcx7uMSnutWGPdO3aGIdUhvSTl3mXhQqxD4/edit

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Football tickets for the game on Saturday will go on sale tomorrow for Pecatonica High School Juniors and Seniors. One ticket per student. Freshman and Sophomores will be able to purchase tickets on Thursday.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.