This is an important message from Superintendent Bill Faller. Wednesday April 14, 2021. When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica Middle School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is an important message from Superintendent Bill Faller. Tuesday April 13, 2021. When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica Elementary School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Volleyball at AFC tonight. Below is the information to watch that game. Games will be a little later. They had to make a bus change.
Livestream: AFC games will be livestreamed via a Hudl Focus camera. The link can be found onwww.afcschools.net in the upper right hand corner of the home page.
Click on the Youtube option underAFCHS Sports.
JV football at Stockton can be seen on nfhs network at 5:30.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is an important message from Superintendent Bill Faller. Sunday, April 11, 2021. When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica Elementary School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

This is an important message from Superintendent Bill Faller. Saturday, April 10, 2021. When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica High School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building. This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica Elementary School. The individual is currently in isolation at home.
The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.
Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance.
We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Centers for Disease Control guidelines. The health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority.

Pecatonica High School Volleyball at Orangeville tonight.
6:00 JV start with Varsity to follow (no freshman game)
Games will be livestreamed on the nfhs network.

Good luck to the PHS ACES (formerly known as WYSE) team today as they compete in the State competition! The team won our Regional and Sectional events! Go Indians!

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.

Varsity Football vs Dakota (At Rockford Auburn)
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Gates Open at 10:00 am
Kick Off at 11:00 am
Admission by ticket only. Please print your name on the back of the ticket.
Game will be broadcast on facebook.com/DurandActivities and nfhs network.
Also available on the internet www.BigRadio.fm or Kickin Country 92.1 fm.
Go Rivermen!

Pecatonica High School Volleyball Tonight vs Freeport Aquin
5:00 Freshman start with JV and Varsity to follow
$4 admission for adults. $3 for students.
Four spectators per player. All students admitted.

The Pecatonica School District is looking for a full-time PC/Network Technician. Duties would include servicing the district's end-user hardware and software including desktop PCs, Chromebooks, Smartboards, and other end-user devices. For more information check the district's web page under District > Job Opportunities. If interested please send resume to jeffbowman@pecschools.com.

The football game tonight at Stockton will be broadcast on the NFHS network.

The middle school had a change war this last week. We had buckets to fill up with change and the one with the most had to dress up. Mr. Bukoski lost and had to dress as a princess. Mrs. Hoffman was a good sport and still dressed up as an 8th grade boy. The money that was collected went to the Pec Playhouse to help with the damage of the roof collapsing.