Registration is now open for Pecatonica High School and Middle School (6th-8th Grade) Athletics and Activities. If you plan on playing any sport or participating in any activity for the 2021-2022 school year you must register on rschool today. THIS IS SEPARATE FROM YOUR SCHOOL REGISTRATION. Go to to complete the registration. Instructions are attached. This includes the Handbook Acknowledgement, random drug tesing consent, concussion protocol, and Athletico consent to treat form. If you have problems with registration please contact or call (612) 605-1623 Students must have the registration completed and an up to date physical on file before they can practice. Participation fee's must be paid before the first competition.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
ATTENTION PECATONICA AND DURAND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN GOLF FOR THE 2021 FALL SEASON.  Hello Pecatonica and Durand golfers! My name is Tim Spickler and I am the new golf coach this year. I am excited to get started and meet all of you. Please feel free to contact me to let me know if you are planning on golfing with us this year or if you have any questions. You can email me at or drop me a text or call me at 815-218-1602.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Online Registration for 2021-2022 has begun. Please login to your account to begin the registration process. If the link above does not work on your device, please copy the address above and paste it into your web browser. The deadline for registration is August 8th, 2021 and the deadline for payment of fees is August 24th, 2021. If you would like to pay by cash or check the school offices will be open starting August 11th, 2021. If you have any difficulties with the registration process please contact the support department via email at or call 815-239-2611 and dial Extension 1010. Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30-4:00. This registration is for school only. You can pay the sports and activity fees here. However, a separate email will be sent by High School Athletic Director, Kevin Kunkel when sports and club registration is open. Athletic and Club registration is done on a separate site called rschooltoday.
over 3 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
The Pecatonica School District is looking for fulltime custodians. Duties would include cleaning of classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and clean-up following after school activities. This full time position offers insurance and retirement packages as well as earned vacation days. The custodians work year round and have the holidays off. If interested please email or call 815-239-2611 ext. 1023 or (815)238-1256. All applicants for employment with Pecatonica CUSD 321 are required, as a condition of employment, to complete an application for employment, authorize fingerprint-based criminal history records check and to meet all mandated requirements as set forth by the State of Illinois and the Boone/Winnebago County Regional Office of Education.
over 3 years ago, Cassi Bird
Fall High School Pom Squad and Cheer Tryouts. Cheer Tryouts will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 13, 14, 15, from 6:00-7:30 pm. Contact Head Coach Jolee Windnagle to sign up. 815-668-1807. Poms Tryouts will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, July 26, 27, and 29 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Contact Head Coach Andrea McGrew with any questions. Both tryouts will be in the high school auxiliary gym.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Just a reminder that FHN will be doing sports physicals tomorrow, Wednesday, July 7, from 1:00-5:00 pm at the high school. There are still spots left. Call the FHN Pecatonica Office for an appointment. 815-239-1400. Please enter at the south end of the building by the gyms.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Sports Physicals
over 3 years ago, Karen Hasselman
Sports Physicals
Middle School ELA Teacher for grades 5 & 6 Pecatonica Community Middle School is taking applications for an ELA teaching position for the 2021-2022 school year. The candidate should: Know the Illinois English Language Arts Learning Standards for grades 5-8. Be familiar with current best practices in education, as well as interventions for both struggling and high achieving students. Be well-versed in the academic, social/emotional needs of middle school students. Be willing to devote the time required to be successful with high needs students. Be collaborative, collegial, and professional towards parents, students, and colleagues. Please email the following: Letter of interest Resume Three letters of reference Unofficial copies of all transcripts Fill out and submit the Pecatonica CUSD #321 Employment Application found on the district web page Copy of the Illinois Professional Educators License (PEL) Send to: Timothy King, Principal. This position may include a coaching position at the middle or high school level if the applicant is interested
over 3 years ago, Middle School Principal
The PecDurand Boys track and field state qualifiers will be leaving for the state meet on Wednesday, June 16, at 10:00 am. If you are available, please join us at 9:45 am in the high school east parking lot to wish them luck as we send them off to state. The Pecatonica Police will also escort them up main street and out of town on their way.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Due to some late entries, the 1st through 3rd grade session of the Pecatonica Youth Basketball Camp will be on as previously scheduled. If you have a child that would like to attend that session, it will run from 1:00-2:00 pm at Pecatonica High School.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Congratulations to PecDurand track and field state qualifiers. Competition will begin on Thursday. Best of luck to all the athletes. 4x100 relay Tre Burfield-Stifter Tyler Kormoczy Alex Montalvan Jacob Fowler 4x200 Relay Joshua Bardell Tyler Kormoczy Alex Montalvan Jacob Fowler Shot Put-Grant Milbrath Discus-Jake Anderson Triple Jump-Miles Milbrath
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Varsity and JV baseball vs North Boone canceled today.
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction. Today is the last day of student attendance. The Elementary School will dismiss at 1:35 pm and the Middle and High Schools at 1:45 pm. Thank you for your patience and diligence during this trying school year.
almost 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Baseball today (Thursday, May 27) canceled. Rescheduled for Tuesday, June 1. 4:30 varsity start with JV to follow. JV players please bring a change of clothes. You will be turning in your uniforms after the game.
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pecatonica High School IHSA Tournament Assignments Baseball at Woodstock Marian Central Catholic vs Marian Wednesday, June 2 4:30 Softball at Dakota vs Dakota Wednesday, June 2 4:30 Girls Track at Winnebago Thursday, June 3 4:00 Field Events, 6:00 Running Events Boys Track at Winnebago Friday, June 11, Field Events 4:00, Running Events 5:45
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
***REMINDER*** The Pecatonica CUSD 321 Board of Education Invites you to attend a Drive-Thru Retirement Reception Honoring Superintendent Bill Faller Friday, May 28, 2021, 3:00pm to 6:00 pm in front of Pecatonica High School Please enter on 12th Street and follow signs.
almost 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321