The volleyball game at North Boone on Thursday, August 26, has been changed to a 5:30 start. Fresh-Soph and JV will start at 5:30 in separate gyms. The Varsity will follow JV in the main gym.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Boys High School Golf at Fulton has been canceled today due to the heat.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Class of 2022 students - August 31 picture day is for your ID and hallway. Seniors have the option of having their own photos taken for the senior section in the yearbook and Gazette graduation section.Those photos must be submitted to by February 1st.
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
class of 2022
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
​Good afternoon! We are using SSO ( Seamless Summer Option) for our lunch program for the 2021/2022 school year. All children that are enrolled in the lunch program will receive 1 free full lunch. A second full lunch or ala carte will still be priced according to our price chart and the children must have money on their accounts to purchase. Thank you, Connie White Food Service Director
over 3 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Class of 2021 may pick up their yearbook in the high school office M-F 7:40am-3:30pm. Parents or siblings may also pick up graduated senior books if the graduate is not available. Underclassmen can pick up their books after the first day of school.
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Fall Practice Begins on Monday, August 9. All fall athletes must be registered and physical turned in before practice on Monday If you plan on playing any sport or participating in any activity for the 2021-2022 school year you must register on rschool today. THIS IS SEPARATE FROM YOUR SCHOOL REGISTRATION. Go to to complete the registration. This includes the Handbook Acknowledgement, random drug testing consent, concussion protocol, and Athletico consent to treat form. If you have problems with registration please contact or call (612) 605-1623 Participation fees must be paid before the first competition.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
5th Grade Chromebook Distribution 5th Grade Students and Parents... We are planning two different opportunities for 5th grade students and parents to view our presentation and pick up their Chromebook. A parent/guardian must attend the meeting with their student. Day & Time: NOON on Wednesday, August 18th @ PECATONICA HIGH SCHOOL OR 6PM on Wednesday, August 18th @ PECATONICA HIGH SCHOOL. Students and parents only need to attend one of the sessions. If you can not make one of those times please email The presentation and issuing of the Chromebooks should take between 45 minutes to an hour. In the event we universally need to wear mask please bring one along. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Tim King
There will be an emergency meeting of the Pecatonica CUSD 321 Board of Education on Wednesday August 4, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Pecatonica High School Library.
over 3 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Fall Practice Begins on Monday, August 9. If you plan on playing any sport or participating in any activity for the 2021-2022 school year you must register on rschool today. THIS IS SEPARATE FROM YOUR SCHOOL REGISTRATION. Go to to complete the registration. Instructions are attached. This includes the Handbook Acknowledgement, random drug testing consent, concussion protocol, and Athletico consent to treat form. If you have problems with registration please contact or call (612) 605-1623 Students also must have the registration completed and an up to date physical on file before they can practice. Participation fees must be paid before the first competition.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Attention Pecatonica/Durand/Dakota High School Boys Soccer Players. There will be a parent meeting for all boys soccer players for the fall of 2021. Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Pecatonica High School Commons. All players and at least one parent should attend. If you cannot attend please be sure to contact Coach Tewell. ​
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
A few links to share of Pecatonica's graduating class of 2021! Congratulations! Good luck and best wishes on all your future endeavors!
over 3 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
2021 graduation
The golf meeting will be at 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 29. If Coach Spickler already has your contact information, he will be in touch with you.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pec and Durand HIgh School Golfers Sorry for the late notice but there will be a golf parent meeting in the high school commons tomorrow night (Thursday, July 29). If you cannot make it you need to contact Coach Spickler as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
FOR ALL PECATONICA and DURAND HIGH SCHOOL BOYS INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOCCER FOR THE 2021 FALL SEASON. Hi, my name is Chad Tewell, and I simply wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I also want to thank you for the opportunity to coach the Pecatonica/Durand High School boys’ soccer program. I have several years of coaching soccer at the youth level. I look forward to taking this next step in my coaching journey and hope we can all work together to build a solid program that will grow even stronger every year. If you have any questions or want to contact me about the program, I will be happy to give you the most updated information I have available to me. Please contact me on my cell at (815) 871-7718 or by e-mail at I will be holding trainings all next week, so the opportunity for students to train for soccer will be available. I suggest we get in as much training as possible before the season begins. Camp will be held at the Pecatonica Middle School field. If your athlete is attending, please be sure they have Water/Gatorade, shin guards, and a ball. Below is the schedule: Please park at the elementary school and walk to the field due to construction at the middle school. All times 4:00-5:45 Monday 7/26 Intros Tuesday, 7/27 Control/Dribbling Wednesday, 7/28 Passing Thursday, 7/29 Finishing/Shooting Friday, 7/30 Defensive Monday, 8/9 Season Officially Begins Times TBA
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.