PEC #321: Due to high winds, there may be some downed trees and power lines that could alter or delay bus routes. We will continue to monitor and communicate if there are more specific details. Be safe!!
about 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
PEC #321: Due to concern of possible volatile weather, tonight's Pecatonica Board of Education Meeting has been postponed back to Monday, December 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM in the High School Media Center. Thank you for your understanding. Be safe out there!!
about 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
DuPec Wrestling vs Marengo at Durand Canceled tonight.
about 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
PEC #321: Elementary students and staff will return to in person learning on Monday, December 13th following their normal time schedules and bus routes.
about 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the PHS December Student of the Month Award: Senior – Grace Sommerio, Junior – Piper Swiss, Sophomore - Lily Baer, and Freshman – Tori Bahr!
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
PHS Student of the Month
We apologize but the NFHS broadcast may be unavailable tonight. Please see information below from NFHS. As you may have seen on the news, Amazon Web Services is currently experiencing outages across the east coast. Like many other major services (Netflix, Disney+, Slack, etc.), our site is being affected. According to Amazon, they have identified the root of the issue and are actively working on a resolution. Until they have fully resolved the issue, some broadcasts on our site may not stream and/or fans may not be able to view them.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Pecatonica High School Girls Basketball tonight vs North Boone. 6:00 varsity start with two JV quarters to follow varsity. ALL girls games will now be using this format.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
FRIDAY NIGHT STAGE LIGHTS for SNOW WHITE at 7pm at PHS! Tickets sales start at 6pm and are $6. There will be popcorn too!
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Snow White Thursday Cast
Tonight is OPENING NIGHT for Snow White at 7pm at PHS! Tickets sales start at 6pm and are $6. There are also shows at Friday and Saturday night at 7pm!
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Snow White
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the PHS November Student of the Month Award: Senior – Ryan Barrack, Junior – Macy Sager, Sophomore - Aaron Sutterfield, Freshman – Liam Swiss
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
PHS Student of the Month
REMINDER Pecatonica High School Boys Basketball Parent Meeting Sunday, November 7, 2021 3:00 pm High School Commons Practice Begins on Monday, November 8 FS 4:30-6:30 JV and Varsity 5:30-8:00
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Du Pec Rivermen Football vs Elmhurst IC Catholic IHSA 3A Second Round Playoffs Saturday, November 6, 3:30 pm Gates Open at 2:30 Admission is $6.00 for everyone except babies in arms. No Passes Allowed No Tailgating Allowed No Pets Allowed Game will stream on NFHS Nework Also will be available on Big Radio 102.1 Go Rivermen!!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.