PEC #321: E-Learning Day Tomorrow Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lMpcFUhx86RB9fvocDNNjqOMr-6DdrXJ3QkQXUMH0wE/edit?usp=sharing

PEC #321: Parent Letter Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CTjUjUsvGw4Dk6nzHW8HET6I7208kNGGkNxBIvzRJK8/edit?usp=sharing

Pecatonica High School is looking for a head softball coach. Please contact Athletic Director Kevin Kunkel if interested. Must hold an American Sport Education Program Certificate or an Illinois State Board of Education teaching or substitute license.
815-239-2611 (ext. 1307)

PEC #321: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fnx_oGRtJp8R7hOUrMl2LssYxjsGTTrX8MRFuymUXu8/edit?usp=sharing

PEC #321: Parent Letter for Speech Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5Zs6uiGgvo_imeKEnFLzMqKoUvzP5uMUY8cUCy4y88/edit?usp=sharing

Boys Basketball is at Durand tonight for a 6:00 FS start with Varsity to follow. Below is the link for the livestream if you cannot be there.

Pecatonica High School Boys Basketball
MLK Tournament Schedule
Monday, January 17, 2022
3:00 Durand vs Polo
4:30 Pecatonica vs Chicago Intrinsic Academy
6:00 Eastland vs Galena
7:30 Scales Mound vs East Dubuque

The following games have been canceled due to low numbers because of quarantined players for our opponents.
Girls Basketball tomorrow at Milledgeville
FS Boys Basketball tomorrow vs Chicago Intrinsic Academy
JV Boys Basketball Monday vs Chicago Intrinsic Academy

It is with great pride to announce the following have won the PHS January Student of the Month Award: Senior – Thomas Standard, Junior – Zachary Linder, Sophomore - Colton Vinger, and Freshman – Emma Daly!

Just a reminder as this game was changed. Varsity girls basketball will be at Pearl City tonight at 6:00. This will be varsity only. NO JV GAME.

PEC #321: District Update on Shortened Quarantine Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b1U9EqZzIx8Q2OJv-bcHV2ntMHjt-lMD7yCEMTWX390/edit?usp=sharing

PEC #321: Speech Letter Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4lu0dinbRkmodbQm94b2J10xb71bnh0tKqABcFvgGc/edit?usp=sharing

Here are the reschedule dates for the contests that were canceled this week.
Boys Basketball at Freeport Aquin rescheduled on Monday, February 14.
Girls Basketball at Pearl City rescheduled on Saturday, February 5.
Scholastic Bowl vs Eastland rescheduled on Wednesday, February 23.

PEC #321: District Letter Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/103skQ38AY0VLBbxwfblcNVO9iQcikd39_8iMY8wlm74/edit?usp=sharing

Due to Covid concerns.
The boys basketball game tonight against Freeport Aquin has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
The girls basketball game at Pearl City on Tuesday has also been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

The academic bowl match against Eastland today has been canceled due to weather.

PEC #321: Parent Letter Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wa_eESaBA3r6dSaVrlJQ71o4s0zYI2PV2tlBXyY8yrA/edit?usp=sharing

PEC #321: On behalf of the district, we want to wish our students, families, and community a joyous and safe winter break!! Students will return January 4, 2022.

PEC #321: Tik Tok Challenge : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1upTDDgxVmknxXaLVXplZfvnSRrhpMDLA1gQr9FjNiVo/edit?usp=sharing

PEC #321: Parent Letter Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oTTuQtWaU8t2ZWYTWyXcxVdw6-8qs3yLSLCQHsMon6M/edit?usp=sharing