On Friday, October 20, 2023, the DuPec varsity football team will travel to Illinois Wesleyen University to take on Belleville Althoff Catholic.
Game time is 7:00 pm
Location: Illinois Wesleyan University
Address: 300 East Kelsey St. Bloomington, IL
Parking: Lot C (There will be ample amount of parking in Lot C, which is adjacent to the stadium. This is the recommended parking lot.)
Admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students
Game will also be livestreamed on durandbulldogs.com (click on "events live stream")

Pecatonica High School Fall Play - Nov. 9, 10 & 11 at 7pm! Watch for the QR code for tickets on October 23!

PEC #321: District Update Link Revised: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GcHi-4IbtU7BduDtMoRKfIwpV5LoL1JXk0jCsdsEfJU/edit?usp=sharing

Tickets on sale soon! Pecatonica High School Fall Play - Nov. 9, 10, & 11 at 7pm!

It is with great pride to announce the following have won the
PHS October Student of the Month Award: Senior – Lauren Freier, Junior – Elaina Rager, Sophomore - Arden Bielskis, Freshman – Caden Lender - Congratulations!

Tickets on sale soon! Pecatonica High School Fall Play - Nov. 9, 10 & 11 at 7pm!

If you would like to watch the DuPec Football game at Fulton tonight, here is the link.

The 3rd annual Pecatonica FFA Fall Fest will be here before we know it! Saturday October 21st from 1-4pm come to the FFA shelter at the high school to enjoy some fall festivities. Pumpkin hunt, hay rack ride, petting zoo, pumpkin games, and so much more! Bring some canned goods to as we are holding a canned food drive to donate to our local food pantry. We hope to see you then!

Always looking for classroom and student aides to help in the school. Willing to consider full or part time employment. Contact timking@pecschools.com or call 815-239-2612

On Wednesday, September 27, come on out to the Homecoming volleyball game to cheer on our team as they take on the Durand Bulldogs! Between the first and second varsity games, Key Club will be hosting its annual Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Dash for Cash. This year, Key Club International's donations will go toward Start Strong: Zambia, committed to providing food, education, and safe community spaces to children in Zambia. Thank you for all your support!

Pecatonica Middle School is looking for classroom paraprofessionals. Please email timking@pecschools.com or call 815-239-2612 for information.

There was some miscommunication on the FS volleyball game at Orangeville tonight.
THERE IS A FS GAME AT 5:00. JV AT 6:00 and VARSITY at 7:00.

Pec High School Fall retake portraits will be on September 27th, 2023

The DuPec JV football game on Monday, September 4, at Eastland has been moved from a 2:00 pm start to a 7:00 pm start due to the heat.

Pecatonica High School Key Club is hosting a blood drive on September 5 to kick off another school year full of service to our community.
We'd love to see you there!
Appointments can be made by going to https://donor.rrvbc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/55269 . Walk-ins welcome.

PEC #321: The whole district will be utilizing an E-Learning day on Thursday, August 23rd. We were unable to troubleshoot the issues and do not want to put students and staff in any unsafe conditions. Sorry for any inconvenience stay safe!!

PEC #321: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cu2u7h46GOgVtVby5TDSQEPhf4Fl6oOBzkRdanb8pjU/edit?usp=sharing

Pec High School Picture Day is WEDNESDAY, August 23rd. NEW FORMAT - No packets! To view and order photos from Picture Day: You’ll receive an email when your images are ready to view online or you can search for them at vipis.com shortly after photos are taken. If you need further assistance, contact VIP at support@vipis.com.
Fall retake portraits will be on September 27th, 2023.

PEC #321: With it being the first day of school, we had to work out several kinks with the dismissal and who was riding what bus home which has caused us to delay starting routes. The buses will be running about 20-30 minutes behind schedule this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PEC #321: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RWH8jcMe8c0hfKzpch-bazQLRt6pfHZLK1uDiVIaJk/edit?usp=sharing