The boys basketball team will be at Pearl City tonight. The games will be broadcast on Start time is 6:00 for the FS and Varsity will follow.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
There has been a small change to the girls basketball game at Pearl City tonight. The JV will play two 10 minute halves starting at 6:00. It will be a running clock. Varsity will follow. The games can be viewed on
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
The boys basketball game against Pearl City is on as scheduled. 5:30 JV start with Varsity to follow. We will be honoring our Senior Basketball Players and Poms Squad at the conclusion of the JV game. Senior parents should be here by 6:00 pm.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Due to severe weather conditions Pecatonica Schools will be using an E-learning day today, Tuesday February 16. All school buildings are closed. Students will be working on their coursework from home. Your students' teachers will give learning instructions through Google Classroom or other methods they have established with the students. ATTENDANCE is a very important part of this day. Parents will need to log in to and CLICK on the attendance pop up for EACH STUDENT YOU HAVE. You will not need to COVID self-certify today.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Due to injuries, Pearl City will have to cancel the JV girls basketball game tonight. Tonight's senior night girls game will be varsity only at 7:00 pm. Senior introductions will be at 6:30. The nfhs tv broadcast will begin at 6:30.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Tune in to Stateline Quizbowl this weekend to see the Pecatonica Indians take on North Boone!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Daly
PHS takes on North Boone this weekend!
Dear Parents and Community Members, Currently, the State of Illinois is in Tier One and Phase four of the Covid-19 mitigation. Being in phase four tier one, the restrictions are reduced. Extracurriculars are now allowed and we have teams travelling. As travelling is increased, we encourage everyone to be safe. Please keep students home who have any of the symptoms or situations on the self certification checklist. Sincerely Bill Faller
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction. Also, today is an early dismissal day, the Elementary School will be dismissing at 11:05 am and the Middle and High Schools as 11:15 am. There will be no school (in-person or remote instruction) on Monday February 15.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs we will notify all parents and staff in the impacted building(s). This communication is to inform you that one individual has tested positive at Pecatonica Middle School. The individual is currently in isolation at home. The individual is not scheduled to return to school until cleared by the Winnebago County Health Department to do so. The school is currently working with the Winnebago County Health Department to identify those in close contact with this individual. Close contact is defined by the Center for Disease Control as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. Based on the health department’s contact investigation, anyone identified to have been in close contact will also quarantine at home. If additional close contacts are identified as part of the investigation, the health department will reach out and provide appropriate guidance. We continue to work proactively to keep students and staff safe by following Winnebago County Health Department, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Centers for Disease Control guidelines. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing, wear a face covering when in public, frequently wash hands and hard surfaces, and stay home if they are ill or experiencing any COVID symptoms.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Congratulations to the ACES Academic Challenge team (formerly known as WYSE) on their first place finish in the 300 Division of the regional championship last week! The team advances to Sectionals the first week of March! Individual results will be released tomorrow!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Daly
2021 ACES Team
Boys basketball will be playing at Galena tonight. 6:00 JV start with varsity to follow. You can watch the game using the link below. Good Luck Guys!
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the February Student of the Month Award: Senior – Taylor Lapp Junior – Austin Kendell Sophomore – Kelsey Magee Freshman – Auberie Gilson Congratulations!
about 4 years ago, Kim Shrader
PHS Student of the Month
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Pecatonica Schools will be using an E-learning day today, Tuesday February 9. All school buildings are closed. Students will be working on their coursework from home. Your students' teachers will give learning instructions through Google Classroom or other methods they have established with the students. ATTENDANCE is a very important part of this day. Parents will need to log in to and CLICK on the attendance pop up for EACH STUDENT YOU HAVE. You will not need to COVID self-certify.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Pecatonica won the Linda K. White Spirit award at the 2021 Snow sculpting competition! Team members are Emma Gocken, Annah Dulaney, Macy Sager, and Sadie Wiemers. The sculpture was titled, On Thin Ice” which showcases a llama who has fallen from iceskating.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
Snow sculpting
Snow sculpting
Snow sculpting
Snow sculpting
Good morning, today is Monday February 8. Bus 9 is running late this morning. We do not have an eta for you at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321
This is a reminder that parents choosing in-person instruction will need to self-certify their children by 7:00 am today. Parents can self-certify by utilizing their Teacher Ease/School Insight account. Self-certification is a requirement for in-person instruction.
about 4 years ago, Pecatonica CUSD 321