over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Congratulations to Taylor Morton for being the September 'Winner of Read a Lincoln Win a Lincoln.' For each Lincoln award book nominee a student reads, their name is placed in a drawing to win $5.00 each month. In March the students who have read a minimum of 4 books are able to vote for their favorite.
over 3 years ago, Brenda Townsend
September Lincoln Green Winner
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Monday, October 4, 2021 Boys Soccer vs South Beloit 4:30 (at Pecatonica Middle School) JV Football vs Dakota 5:30 (At Durand) Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Boys Soccer at Winnebago 4:30 (High School Football Field) Cross Country at Winnebago 4:30 (Fuller Forest Preserve) Volleyball at Dakota 5:00 FS Start with JV and Varsity to follow) Wednesday, October 6, 2021 High School Fine Arts Festival 7:00 Thursday, October 7, 2021 Cross Country at Durand High School 4:30 (Senior Night) Boys Soccer at Rockford Lutheran 4:30 Friday, October 8, 2021 School Improvement Day-11:15 Student Release Varsity Football at Lena Winslow 7:00 Saturday, October 9, 2021 JV Volleyball Pec Classic 8:30 Pecatonica, Dakota, Eastland, Forreston, Mendota, Rockford East, Stockton Winnebago
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
PEC #321: The district is experiencing phone issues with calls going out or coming in randomly dropping. This is on the phone providers end and they are working on it. If a call drops please keep trying. Thanks for your patience and hopefully this gets resolved quickly.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Snow White play practice is cancelled today (Thursday Sept. 23) - Enjoy the parade and pep rally!
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Pecatonica High School is proud to announce that we will have a varsity homecoming football game. Du-Pec Rivermen vs Decatur St. Teresa Friday, September 24, 2021 8:00 pm Kick Off ***Please note start time*** The JV game scheduled for Saturday, September 25, at 1:00 will be moved to Monday, September 27, at 5:30. Both Games at Pecatonica High School
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pearl City has to cancel the FS volleyball game for Wednesday, September 22. It will now be a 6:00 JV start with varsity to follow. NO FS GAME.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
over 3 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
This is an update for our homecoming football game. We have not been able to find an opponent for that game. We will be playing our JV game at 1:00 pm on Saturday, September 25, against West Carroll. We will treat this like a regular game. Band, Cheer, and Poms will perform. There will not be a JV game on Monday, September 27, as previously scheduled. If a varsity opponent does come forward for next weekend, we will make the change again and play a varsity game. However, at this point it does seem likely. We hope to get a good crowd to support the kids for homecoming. There will be no admission for this game. Thank you for your support!
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pecatonica Pep Band You WILL NOT be playing tonight for the volleyball game. Sorry for the late notice.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pecatonica Volleyball Tonight's Volleyball Game against Orangeville will be a VARSITY ONLY game at 6:30. Sorry for the late notice.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Pecatonica High School Volleyball Tonight vs Orangeville Orangeville does not have a FS team so the JV will begin at 6:00 with Varsity to follow.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
If you are trying to watch the volleyball game at Freeport Aquin, they are having some internet issues. NFHS is not available at this time. This is not an issue with NFHS. They are trying to fix the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the Pecatonica High School September Student of the Month Award: Senior – Madison Carlson Junior – Kylie Longenecker Sophomore - Steven Butterfield Freshman – Morgan Sommerio
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
PHS Student of the Month
The Lady Indians Volleyball Team will be at Freeport Aquin Tonight. Just a reminder that Aquin does not have a Freshman team so the JV will start at 6:00 with Varsity to follow. Just so you are aware, there will not be a concession stand available. If you are unable to attend, the game will be broadcast on nfhsnetwork.com
over 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Congratulations to all who auditioned for Snow White! Pending academic eligibility, we welcome all cast members to attend play practice in the high school library starting Tuesday, Sept. 14, 3:30-5:30pm.(Stage Crew will begin rehearsing in October). Please see the lists posted outside the MS office and Ms. Magden’s room at the HS for specific roles and the Google Classroom join code. More info to come!
over 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Snow White