The PCMS Student Council held a coin war between Mrs. Pozzi and Mr. King. Mr. King lost and was selected to be taped to the wall. All council members had a great time planning and taping Mr. King to the wall. The Student council raised $410 for the American Heart Association.

Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Basketball Team on their victory over Earlville last night. The boys will now play in the championship of the Indian Creek Regional at 7:00 pm on Friday and take on Somonauk. The Three Point Shootout will start at 5:30. Gates will open at 5:00.

Congratulations to the Varsity Girls Basketball Team on a great season. The Lady Indians finished with a record of 22-9 (tied the school record for wins) and only the second girls regional championship in school history. Congratulations!!! We are all proud of you.
Good Luck to Elaina Rager in the three point shootout tonight!

Girls Basketball Correction.
That reschedule date should obviously be February 23.

The girls basketball sectional games at Forreston scheduled for tonight have been rescheduled for tomorrow night (Wednesday, September 23). Game times will stay the same. As soon as I have information on the change for the GoFan tickets I will get that information out.

Girls Basketball Sectional at Forreston
No decision has been made if the girls game tonight at Forreston will be played. Schools are monitoring the weather and will make a decision by mid afternoon.

Due to severe weather conditions, Pecatonica Schools will be using an E-learning day today, Tuesday February 22. Students will be working on their coursework from home. Your student's teacher will give learning instructions through Google Classroom or other methods they have established with the students. ATTENDANCE is a very important party of this day. Parents will need to log into www.teacherease.com or access the Teacher Ease phone app and CLICK on the attendance pop up for EACH STUDENT YOU HAVE.

PEC #321: Due to the risk inclement road conditions, today will be an E-Learning Day. Decisions on activities later in the day will be determined based on conditions. Stay safe.

The Illinois High School Association is requiring host schools to use GoFan Digital Ticketing to purchase tickets for all Sectional tournaments and beyond.
Below is the information to purchase tickets to the IHSA Girls Sectional basketball game on Tuesday, February 22nd, at 6:00 at Forreston vs Stockton. I have included the link to purchase the tickets and a link to a video that explains the process.
Please share with people that do not have access to Pecatonica High School email or anyone who might not see this on Facebook.
Tuesday Ticket Game 1 = https://gofan.co/app/events/534883?schoolId=IHSA
How To Buy Tickets Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkZqTY5d6Bg

Save yourself some time this Wednesday, and order your supper from Culver’s of Winnebago! Whether you’re staying local or heading out to Indian Creek to cheer on our boys basketball team that evening, we’d love for you to stop by the Pec Key Club Scoopie Night. 10% of all sales from 5-7 P.M. will go directly back to our group in support of Mr. PHS and Kids Around the World!

We hope to see you next week! Follow our @mrpecatonicahighschool Facebook page for more info. Contestants will be fundraising in person or donations can be made anytime at https://give.kidsaroundtheworld.com/pecatonica-key-club

Boys Basketball Regional Quarterfinal vs Leland
Saturday, February 19, 3:00 pm
Doors open at 2:00
Pecatonica High School
$5.00 admission for everyone.

Tune in to WIFR Channel 17 on Saturday at 6:30pm to see the Pecatonica Indians take on the Byron Tigers on Stateline Quiz Bowl! (Also shown Sunday 8:30am: Channel 17.2 and 9:30pm: Channel 39)

PEC #321: District Update Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXhTENCVWwYVsotL-2rbmr6NeORuVE7hyzT9q9BoGHE/edit?usp=sharing

Regional Champs!!!
Congratulations to the Varsity Girls Basketball Team for their 50-40 victory over Polo tonight to win the Indian Creek Regional Championship.
The girls advanced to the Forreston Sectional to play at 6:00 on Tuesday against the winner of the Stockton Regional which will be Stockton or Lena Winslow.

Good Luck to the Pecatonica Varsity Girls Basketball Team tonight in the Indian Creek Regional Championship vs Polo.
Three point contest begins at 5:30. Game will start at 7:00 pm.
$5.00 admission for everyone.
The game will also be available on the NFHS Network.
Good Luck Lady Indians!!!

Below is the link to the Pecatonica High School Boys Basketball Conference Championship Store. Deadline is midnight today.

We will be running a fan bus to the girls basketball regional final game tomorrow night at Indian Creek.
The bus will leave the high school at 5:30 and should return between 9:30 and 10:00 pm.
There is no cost for the bus ride but there is a $5 admission cost that we will collect before you get on the bus.
If you are interested, be sure to sign up in the high school office.
We must have at least 20 students to run the bus.

PEC #321: REMINDER: Vaccination Clinic at Pecatonica High School on Friday, February 18th from 12:00-4:00. This clinic is open to the community and will offer COVID vaccines, boosters, and flu vaccine.

Congratulations to the Varsity Girls Basketball Team on their 54-23 victory last night over Alden Hebron. The girls advance to play in the Regional Championship Thursday night at 7:00 pm against Polo.