Pecatonica High School is looking for a boys/girls golf coach for the upcoming fall season. Anyone interested can contact high school activities director, Kevin Kunkel, at for more information.
over 2 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
PEC #321: Online School Registration will open on Tuesday, July 19th starting at 4:00 PM. The link to register will be on the school website. Hope everyone is having a great summer!!
over 2 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
PEC #321: Pecatonica HS will be hosting a Tri-County Law Enforcement/School Resource Officer Training on Friday, July 15th starting at 8:00 AM. There will be several law enforcement vehicles parked at the high school so please do not be alarmed as it is a training exercise only. Thanks.
over 2 years ago, Carl B. Carlson
Special Early Pick-up Date! High School Yearbooks are available for pickup Mon-Thurs, July 11-14 from 8am to 12pm. BAND room - Door N ONLY!!! Regular pick-up times are during school hours starting Aug 22, M-F, 7:30-3:30 in the HS office.
over 2 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
2022 yearbook
Pecatonica Community Middle School has an opening for a Social Studies teacher. Please email
over 2 years ago, Middle School Principal
Pecatonica Community Middle School has an immediate openings for a Special Education teacher and an ELA teacher. Please contact
over 2 years ago, Middle School Principal
Monday, June 20th, the Pecatonica Schools are closed. There is no summer school at the middle or high schools.
over 2 years ago, Middle School Principal
Pecatonica Community Middle School has teaching openings in Math and English/Language Arts for the fall of 2022. Please contact Tim King, Principal
almost 3 years ago, Middle School Principal
FHN will again be offering IHSA physicals for students. This Friday is the first date from 11-3 at Pecatonica HS. An IHSA physical is required to participate in extracurricular activities. Please call FHN for an appointment. 815-239-1400. Below is the link to print a copy of the physical form. Or you can stop by the district office for a copy. The process will go faster if the form is filled out. Friday, June 10, 2022 Pecatonica High School 11:00 am -3:00 pm Friday, August 5, 2022 Pecatonica High School 11:00 am-3:00 pm Cost for the physical is $25
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Paraprofessionals needed for next school year! Pecatonica Community Middle School - Begin August 2022. Email or call 815-239-2612 x1201
almost 3 years ago, Middle School Principal
Teaching opportunities! ELA position grades 7th & 8th & Math grades 5th & 6th for fall. Send via email letter of application, resume, copy of licensure, three letters of recommendation & transcripts (unofficial are acceptable for initial application) to
almost 3 years ago, Middle School Principal
Boys track and field will be heading to Oregon for the IHSA Sectional today. Please remember, if you plan to attend, admission is $7 and should be purchased on GoFan. Below is the link to purchase tickets. Per the IHSA, everyone except " babes in arms" must have a ticket.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
This Friday the DuPec girls track team will be competing in the IHSA Sectional Track Meet. Tickets for admission must be purchased online through GoFan. IHSA admission price is $7.00
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the May High School Student of the Month Award: Senior – Quinten Roush, Junior – Natalie Herbert, Sophomore - Joshua Salamon, and Freshman – Vanessa Wishard! Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Student of the Month
A few reminders for today. The Girls Track Meet today is the NUIC conference meet. There is a $4 admission for adults and $3 for students. The girls soccer location at Galena today is Wienen Park, 705 South Dodge Street.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
PCMS 5th grade field trip to Camp Timber-lee. Students had the opportunity to participate in three different activities of archery, animal encounters, and zip lining/or high ropes.
almost 3 years ago, Middle School Principal
Students waiting for high ropes
Girl with reptile
girl with turtle
Archery instruction
Baseball and Softball against Dakota today has been canceled. The Boys and Girls Track Invite has also been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
Girls soccer vs Rockford Lutheran and boys and girls track at Rockford East have been canceled today.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Kunkel, A.D.
On Tuesday, April 19, 2022, two Pecatonica High School student writers were honored at the Rockford Woman's Club 97th Annual Creative Writing Contest luncheon. Freshmen Brooklyn Connell and Anna Munson were two of just nine finalists out of more than 140 writing submissions from students in the greater Rockford area. Rockford Woman's Club representatives previously visited each school to announce the nine finalists and present each one with a $50 scholarship. Brooklyn, Anna, their parents, and their Language Arts teacher Mrs. Johnson attended the luncheon honoring all nine student writers, where each student read their winning poem or work of prose. At the end of the event, Rockford Woman's Club President Nancy Whitlock announced the grand prize winner of the Genevieve B. Taxon Award and a $1,000 scholarship. This year's winner was our own Anna Munson! Congratulations, Brooklyn and Anna! We hope you will continue writing in the future. Brooklyn's finalist-winning prose - "Breathe" Anna's grand-prize winning prose - "The Misadventure of Mimsey Dean"
almost 3 years ago, Pecatonica Key Club
2022 - RWC writing finalists
It is with great pride to announce the following have won the April Student of the Month Award: Senior – Bailey Leif, Junior – Jaden Gocken, Sophomore - Marshal Groves, and Freshman – Anna Munson!
almost 3 years ago, Aim High - PHS Yearbook
Student of the Month