September 18, 2020

Dear Parents and Community Members, 

I want to thank you for your continued support as we provide in-person instruction.  We are taking it one day at a time.  I want to reiterate,  parents should have a plan for the possibility of their child going from in-person learning to remote learning.  Depending on the situation, students may be required to go remote on an individual basis, classroom basis, as a school or district wide.   Please plan ahead for that possibility. 

In-person students who are absent for just a short period of time, will need to get the work that they missed upon their return just as it was in prior years.  Our Remote Learning programming is for those students who have selected Remote Learning or for those who are required to quarantine.  

One of the key metrics we are following is the CDC definition of a close contact :  Close contact is defined by CDC is someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic clients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.  Additionally, I will include the attachment of the Winnebago County Health Department travel guidelines.  

When a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs parents and staff in the impacted building(s) or programs will be notified. We will provide the health department with the information for them to conduct contact tracing. You can expect a call from one of the health department contact tracers with specific guidance. Of course, if your child experiences any symptoms of COVID-19, please reach out to your health care provider and seek testing as appropriate. 

Again, thank you for your continued support and cooperation.  We could not operate the in-person learning without you.  Please be safe.


Bill Faller, 


Winnebago County Health Department