Dear Parents,
I would like to thank you again for your efforts as we move through this challenging school year. I am writing to let you know we will be making a slight adjustment to our schedule. Effective Monday, September 14, the middle and high school will release their students at 2:42 pm. The middle school and high school teachers will be available to provide assistance to students by appointment.
Buses will begin picking up middle school students at 2:45pm, then travel to the high school and finally, the elementary school at 3:05pm. We expect the buses to depart Pecatonica elementary school around 3:15 pm and begin dropping off students approximately 15 minutes earlier than normal. This will be our schedule for the remainder of the school year.
Our buses will load students at the middle school first. The North end of the middle school needs to be clear so buses can make the turn in front of the school. Parents who will be picking up their middle school children, we ask that you please stage on high school drive until ALL the buses have loaded and left for the high school. Once the buses have departed you will be able to pick up your child.
Again, these changes will be effective Monday, September 14, 2020.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,
September 9, 2020