rockin principal

Rockstar Principal Tim King celebrates Superior Honor Roll Students by Rockin' Out at the 1st Quarter Awards Assembly. Staff dressed up as rock stars for the assembly and Principal Tim King jumped off stage and the student body went wild as he played his air guitar. Then Principal King high-fived the 10 Superior Honor Roll Students as they made their way across the stage!

Photos by: Mel Kerr and Heather Baker

Superior Honor Roll Students

Lion's Club Poster Winners

Lion's Club Poster Winners

6th Grade A Honor Roll

7th Grade A Honor Roll

7th Grade A Honor Roll

Recognizing Junior Tackle Football players.

Kindness Winners!

6th Grade Volleyball

7th Grade Volleyball

8th Grade Volleyball

AR Winners

5th Grade Students of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Student of the Quarter

Rockstar Principal Tim King preparing to go onstage

Rockstar Principal Tim King and his Rockin' Staff!

Rockstar Principal Tim King jumping off stage!

Rockstar Principal Tim King jumping off stage!

Rockstar Principal Tim King mid air!

Rockstar Principal Tim King perfect landing!

The staff are also rockin it and the student body goes wild!