
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, nine young men took the stage at Pecatonica High School to compete for the title of Mr. PHS. Key Club members Anna McLevige and Teagan Kasper took over the role of Mr. PHS co-chairs and ensured the 8th annual event was another success, this year raising $9,500 for Feeding America.

Throughout the night, judges and audience members were treated to a grand march, a choreographed dance, a dash for cash, and a lot of smiles and laughter. This year's contestants included freshmen John Ross Girardin and Eric Rodriguez; sophomores Logan Connell, Blake Scroggins, and Calum Scroggins; juniors Blake Fox and Andy Suarez; and seniors Josh Frank and Mack Massingill. Each contestant began fundraising the week of the event, and on the night of the pageant, competed in the categories of formal wear, outfit of choice, talent, fundraising, and question. At the end of the night, awards were given, and the top two contestants were announced, leading to the crowning of senior Josh Frank as the 2025 Mr. Pecatonica High School.

The Mr. PHS co-chairs and Key Club advisor Michelle Johnson wish to thank all the contestants and their attendants, family members, judges, audience members, behind-the-scenes Key Club volunteers, and businesses who helped make this event such a success. 

Since the first event in 2019, the Mr. PHS pageant has brought in over $40,000 for organizations such as The Thirst Project, The Children’s Miracle Network, The Ocean Cleanup, ShelterBox USA, Kids Around the World, the Kiwanis Neuroscience Research Foundation, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and now Feeding America.

cochairsCo-chairs Teagan Kasper and Anna McLevige. Both Key Club members are juniors this year and have been involved with Mr. PHS for all three years of high school.

2025mrphs2025 Mr. PHS Josh Frank with attendant Brooklyn Connell, 2024 Mr. PHS Drew Lapp, and co-chairs Teagan Kasper and Anna McLevige. Josh also received the Best Answer Award and Mr. Congeniality.

1st runner up
Our First Runner Up Mack Massingill with attendant Emma Daly. Receiving a perfect score, Mack also earned the Best Talent award.

stagecrewKey Club members were an essential part of the pageant, especially for all the “off-stage” aspects that went into making the night a success. Here, the stage crew, consisting of Delaney Handy, Elena Salgado, Rachel Lucas, Emily Miller, and Renee Brown, gather for a picture before the show.

talentSophomore Calum Scroggins with 2024 Mr. PHS Drew Lapp as they auction off Calum’s painting during the talent category of the show.

Sophomore Blake Scroggins and his attendant Sophie Fitzanko during the Costume Wear category as Curious George and The Man with the Yellow Hat.

Junior Blake Fox with attendant Veronica Baer during formal wear category. At the end of the night, Blake received the awards for Best Dancer, Best Dressed, Top Fundraiser, and Best Costume.

freshmanFreshman Eric Rodriguez responds to his fishbowl question during the question portion of the night.

keyclubThroughout the night, many Key Club members were involved. From co-chairs, contestants, and attendants, to stage crew, concessions workers, ticket takers, money counters, and clean-up crew, it takes a lot of Key Clubbers to make each Mr. Pecatonica High School event so successful!

Thank you to Marde Gann and Betty Kendall for capturing the night! More photos of the event can be found on the Mr. Pecatonica High School Facebook page and the Pecatonica Fans Club Facebook page.